Louise Poppema
New Gloucester, ME


The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

Mohandas Gandhi

Head to Heart



About Louise

Fiction to Fact

What is Animal Communication

What Questions Do People Ask

Science or fantasy

Personal Work


New Paradigm

Personal Work

Research:Marine Animal Lifeline-Rough preliminary study. 115 communications, 24 seals over 13 weeks.

Tufts Vet School, Center for Animal and Public Policy-Allspaw independent project. Blind questionnaire, 26 dogs. (Follow up project presently in planning stage)

Animal Communication practice since 1998.


Private consultatons

Rescue organizations (H.A.R.T.(Homeless Anmial Rescue Team), New Gloucester, ME, Maine Cocker Spaniel Rescue, Second Chance Boxer Rescue, Animal Refuge League, Westbrook, ME, Friends of Feral Felines, Portland, ME, OpenGates Equine Rescue, New Gloucester, ME, Hemlock Valley Equine Rescue, Standish, ME)

Local veterinarians (Dr. Elizabeth Noyes, Yarmouth, ME, Dr. Doug Hutchins, Lyman, ME)

Presentations/Lectures (Animal Communication; the stuff of Psychics or Psychotics?, What is Animal Communication, Everything I need to know I could learn from my pet (well, almost...))

Featured in Downeast Magazine, Casco Bay Weekly, Portland, ME 1999, "Where's Amy", WGME Channel 13, August 2002, WJBQ Morning Show, Portland, ME August 2002, WMPG Morning Show, Portland, ME August 2003, AroundMaine.com, Time Warner Cable, February 2007



  © 2009 by Louise Poppema, all rights reserved