Louise Poppema
New Gloucester, ME

sunlit autumn forest trail

An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.

Martin Buber


Head to Heart



About Louise

Fiction to Fact

What is Animal Communication

What Questions Do People Ask

Science or fantasy

Personal Work


New Paradigm

Animal Communication: from fiction to fact

I initially believed animal communication to be a pleasant fiction. The books I list below prompted me to explore the possibilitythat it might be fact. My personal experiences convince me that animal communication is indeed fact. Perhaps these books will do the same for you.

Books About Animal Communication

  • Animal Talk: Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Penelope Smith, Pegasus Publications, 1982, 1989.
  • Communicating With Animals: The Spiritual Connection Between People and Animals, Arthur Myers, Contemporary Books, 1997.
  • Conversations With Animals, Lydia Hiby with Bonnie Weintraub, NewSage Press, 1998.
  • Kinship With All Life, J. Allen Boone, HarperSanFrancisico, 1954.
  • Talking With The Animals, Patty Summers, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 1998.
  • What The Animals Tell Me, Sonya Fitzpatrick, Hyperion, 1997.

These books present how to do it from the author's point of view:

  • The Animal Connection: A Guide to Intuitive Communication with your Pet, Judy Meyer, Plume Books, 2000.
  • Straight From The Horse's Mouth: How To Talk To Animals And Get Answers, Amelia Kinkade, Crown Publishers, 2001.
  • The Language Of Animals:7 Steps To Communicating With Animals, Carol Gurney, Dell Trade Paperbacks,2001.
  • You Can Talk With Your Animals, Janine Adams, Howell Book House,2000.


books and a pair of glasses

  © 2009 by Louise Poppema, all rights reserved