Louise Poppema
New Gloucester, ME

The indifference, callousness and contempt that so many people exhibit toward animals is evil first because it results in great suffering in animals, and second because it results in an incalculably great impoverishment of the human spirit.

Ashley Montagu

Head to Heart



About Louise

Fiction to Fact

What is Animal Communication

What Questions Do People Ask

Science or fantasy

Personal Work


New Paradigm

Science or Fantasy; what's out there?

Not much! Commonly lumped under the paranormal, animal communication is only beginning to be studied. Many scientific organizations don't wish to explore it. Rupert Sheldrake, an English scientist, has begun, but has been taken to task by many of his peers for pursuing such outlandish questions. On the other hand, few animal communicators are willing to agree to participate in experiments. Rupert Sheldrake has a Ph.D in biochemistry and is a Research Fellow of the Royal Society, Clare College, Cambridge.

Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, Rupert Sheldrake, Three Rivers Press, 1999, winner of the British Scientific and Medical Network Book of the Year Award.

The N'Kisi Project- Interspecies Telepathy Experiment between Aimee Morgana, human, and N'Kisi, an African Grey parrot, 2002.

Interspecies Communication, Senior thesis, Nicole Gunning, Goddard College, 2002 130 surveys sent, 23 responses, 9 communications.

Telepathic Animal Communication: pilot study, Kathleen Allspaw, Tufts Veterinary School, 2003. 26 dogs, 26 communications.



  © 2009 by Louise Poppema, all rights reserved